Friday, December 01, 2006

hold onto your hats

It's December 1st.
I can drag out all my Christmas decorations and no one will tell me to put it away it's too early!!

Having a hard time thinking today.
We're having company for the weekend, so I'm in mad cleaning mode.
I make my 4 and 5 year old daughters work like slaves cleaning bathrooms, bedrooms etc.
They are SO good at it.
and so enthusiastic.
I wish they would never grow up and realize that cleaning is not fun. hehe

The Canadian blog awards are a big deal aye?! hehe.
I am an avid reader of Raymi the Minx.
She cracks me up and is...well, far from being like anyone else I have ever read.
a while back I came across Blogging Baby, and Kristin from Debacherous and Dishevelled, and was hooked there as well. The mommyblogness of Kristin speaks volumes to me. She's kinda my hero since she has a work from home job, and children etc...

I think awards are cool and all, but it's so hard to vote for two different kinds of people...with 2 different kinds of blogs. You can kinda put them into catagories...but really ya can't.

I did choose sides and voted for only one of the two on all three of the computers in my house(each day this week) and I went to the library and voted there from 2 different computers for today. hehe. (I was bored during story hour!! I'm not obessessed with Canadian blog awards!)

Anyway, I like them both.

Ah sigh.
So much to do and here I sit.
I like how I keep saying I'll get up in 2 minutes...and 2 minutes goes by and I'm still here.

That is a great word.

Oh get up already.

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

I drug my decorations out the weekend after Thanksgiving....Was that too early? I WON'T apologize! *wink*