Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday afternoons

Last night I was minding my own business and the Musician decided to pick a fight.
This is unusual because he usually never pushes anything. He can be critical and annoying, but he never goes looking to argue.
So, he made me cry, and then he made me tell him all my dark secrets. How I'm afraid of making friends in 'real life' because of how I've been hurt. How I hide in my house, and I don't go out like I used to.
I don't know why he did it.
We were fine at the end of everything.
Cuddling and talking.

But, why pick a fight?
I guess he asks the same of me when I do that to him.

He did say that he wanted to 'do' things with me. That we don't do enough together.
Granted, that is always nice to say.
But, sometimes I think we're better when he works 10 hours a day, and we get 3 hours to chill before bedtime. Sometimes I feel like, our jokes while getting the kids to bath, bed and sleep is enough for me. I like our 10 minute talks and updates in bed after we have sex. I feel like that has been enough.

How can I complain when he says, "I want to do more things with you that don't involve a screen?!"
I can't.
I won't.

Because I remember the days when I would complain about not being able to do things with him because he carried a church in his back pocket and I competed with them for his time. lol.

I worry that we'll be at each other's throats.

Then again...

We are each making a list of 20 things we can do with each other. Our lists can be whatever we want, and the other person has the option to not do it, but you can only opt out on 3 things.
We love rules. lol.
I love lists.
I had mine done by morning and reminded him to get on his.

I hope it works out. Just because it would be fantastic to get matching tattoos!!


Anonymous said...

what i love the most about this post is that even in the difficulty, there is compromise... and that my dear is what marriage is all about.


Shane said...

This post made me cheese. I mean ... it made me smile really big ... it didn't actually produce a block of cheese for me ... although that would be totally bitchin' if it did.

I don't know why it made me cheese. I guess I could just see you too agreeing to make a list and it seems ... I dunno ... kinda sweet and innocent.

Anyhoo ... I think you're cute as a button. The end.