Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'll clean it up

So I have been digging the real life. Eating, sleeping, talking, even the occasional family crisis...I've been taking things in stride. Not so messy.

but...(there it is!)

I feel scattered and freaked out.
Over nothing.
I can't put my finger on it.
There's money in the bank.
No videos are overdue.
The kids all have their shots and new shoes.
We're having sex almost every night.
My hair is it's natural dark brown and my skin is clear.


I'm worried.
Deep down.

I hate nitpicking. I hate finding things that 'might' go wrong.
I hate examining every inch, and scouring my mind for problems that don't exist.

It's like I feel like I can't be happy.
That I don't deserve peace and harmony in my every day life.

There must always be something!!



1 comment:

Nan said...

I think because there has been so much going on in your life for so long that when it's quiet you think something must be wrong. Enjoy this time instead of worrying.