Tuesday, November 28, 2006

O is for Oh-ficial

Today, I got my Idaho State Driver's license. How official am I?
I've lived here(in the state) for over a year and I'm just now...official.

Sometimes when people ask where I live, I say a bit quietly, "Idaho."
I don't think I'm ashamed...it's something like, it's not fully my home yet. In my mind.

I'm a southern girl for the most part.
Fried chicken,
Sweet Ice Tea,
and the accent.

I get comments on my drawl...

My license picture turned out okay.
I went in and didn't expect to pass.
So therefore, my hair and makeup were...well minimal. haha

I dot.
Dot, dot, dot.

Trav was out shoveling snow today.
He is SO damn sexy handsome.
I think older men are where it's at.
Now, I just have to wait for my Musician to hit 50 or somethin'.


This writing thing is like stretching after a long sleep.


Anonymous said...

i loved Idaho when i visited there. can't wait to go back.

i agree about the older men thing. yum.

jade said...

I want to hear your drawl. You should do an Audiopost.

And yeah, I'm with ya on the older man thing too. ;)

Anonymous said...

say something in Southern, come on.

Shane said...

You know ... at the risk of sounding gay, I'm right with you on the older man thing. I've got man crushes. I can admit that. There are just guys out there that make me think, "Man ... if I was a chick..."

I've noticed recently that all of my man crushes are on older gentlemen: Michael Douglas, Pierce Brosnan, Edge (the blogger, not the U2 guitarist), Sean Connery, and my all time fave ---> Tom Selleck.

So ... yeah. I'm sure Trav would probably tickle my pickle too. Judge if you will.