Tuesday, October 17, 2006

You spoke my name so sweet.

Yellow post its.
Who would have thought the power they would have? I see one and it means something. Something good.
Something dark and omnious...eh, no...never that. But something.
They move me.
I see yellow post its and know that it's our bat signal.

I slip outside.
It's dark.
The air has changed to fall crispy breezes and that smell of woodstove is everywhere.

"Hey." I sigh as I sit down. It feels normal to sit down and prepare to talk.
My guy next door is wearing his usual baseball cap and denim jacket. His boots stick out of the ends of his long lean blue jeans and a shiver runs thru my spine. I love him. I know I do.

"You look tired."
"I don't want to talk about what I look like." I'm short. I am tired. I hate what started out as a pretty awesome friendship...has caused me stress yet again. I'm tired of friendships.
"okay. I'll be to the point." He shuffles his feet some. "I want you to choose."

"Okay...like no." There, I chose.
"why are you so mad at me?"
"why is it that the whole world...okay, you and three other people..make me 'choose'. Why can't everyone just make up their minds to just do it my way for once?"
"because...you want everything. Cake and everything." He laughs a little bit and the air between us feels more familiar.
"alright...I'll compromise. Can we compromise?"
"I don't know...can we?" He asks with no sarcasm. I realize that I love him so much. Mostly because when I'm sarcastic, he isn't. I love that.
"Name it." I say. I regret it as soon as the words escape. Two little words and yet they fly out faster than I can think before letting them loose.
"Come with me...for a week." His breath is rushed and I hear the plea...and hopefulness.

I take a deep breath.

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