Wednesday, October 25, 2006

keep it coming out

Now that the damn has been chipped at a bit, I can't help but keep writing.


As I drove my son to school this morning, I listened to "The Wine Field". Omg. I love them sooo much. They were a band that did the college circuit waaaay back in the late 1990's. Maybe it wasn't way back. I have all of their cds and even if they are broken up, they mix my heart and change me up every single day with their songs. I like that kind of legacy.

My Ipod, Triggernuts, is still my best friend, and I walk around all day with music bouncing in my head. I am praying to the gods that I can afford to buy my sister one for Christmas. That way she can listen to music and get thru her hard times like I did. (yes, I named my ipod. if it gets lost, i yell at my kids, "what happened to Triggernuts?!" They scramble to find him like he was a lost hamster or something.)

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