Friday, December 08, 2006

things to get done very soon.

1. make a list of important books and read them all aloud.
2. paint an abstract painting
3. get a tattoo
4. Learn Spanish
5. Take more photos of the kids and have them displayed somewhere
6. go on a road trip with no predetermined destination
7. learn to snowboard
8. memorize all the countries & capitals in the world
9. learn more about wine
10. Go To More Local Gigs And See More Concerts
11. landscape the backyard
12. decorate downstairs bathroom
13. Learn to Dance; Take a Dance Course!
14. organize my laundry room
15. Plan a trip to Italy, but don't go...yet.
16. Varnish dining room table
17. Take photography/cooking classes
18. Learn Adult First Aid and CPR

Here is our list!
We had 20 things, but two of them are semi personal. hehe.
Again, not that I want to censor myself at all. I just feel really apprehensive because 'someone' else keeps reading me from the same place the Musician works. It's weird. I hardly check my site meter...and I hadn't since well, I came back, but this afternoon, I was extreemely bored. So I peeked. I don't know if I feel better or worse. :)


jade said...

I love this list! And I have to tell you that taking a cooking class together is sooooo much fun. We did a Thai food class together and it was such a good time. Hmmm ... now I want to sign up for another one.

Shane said...

Just when I think you can't get any cuter ... you post the actual list. You're a peach, Lynn.

Oh great One said...

Those are great things! I hope you accomplish them all!